2023-2024 VISION
To start a faith based, community centered homeschool enrichment program in Bedford County. We will bring together credentialed teachers, child specialists and currently enrolled families to work together to pour into the next generation throughout this next year ages Preschool through high school. We will use a whole child learning approach to inspire the love of lifelong learning inside each student in our enrichment program. We want to not only enhance learning, but provide resources, build incredible community and lasting memories for homeschool students of Bedford County through special events, book fairs, experiential learning opportunities, serve projects, chapels and more.
To become an indoor + outdoor ranch style homeschool educational resource center. We want to create opportunities where students can take what they learn at home and in the classroom and apply it to the great outdoors! Homeschoolers have the benefit of freedom through exploration and experience. We want to maximize the potential of learning together while becoming a parenting resource center for our local community. We want to create an environment that fosters not only a love for lifelong learning, but better equips students to understand who they are and who God has created them to be.